The super-habit, demo! Add at least one custom tool to begin: Open Must complete this now, to finalize registration 🙂IMPORTANT: Click “Add Entry” below and follow the steps. Repeat to add additional entriesClick "Add Entry" below to load and edit: Legacy alignment: Actions Edit Delete There are no Entries. Add Entry Maximum number of entries reached. Are you finished adding entries above? Yes [su_section image=”” border=”none” text_align=”center”]Step 1: Take a relaxed deep breath, and then become aware of your breathing. Now, identify a situation in which you will likely find yourself during the upcoming day and take note of any neutral or negative feelings that you might typically experience in that situation. It might be feeling bored, indifferent, anxious, frustrated, or even angry. Step 2: Feel a deep sense of GRATITUDE for the ability to breathe, a strong feeling of LOVE for your creator and/ or COMPASSION for other people. Ponder the amazing opportunity you have to exercise your own FREE WILL every day, in every situation you encounter.Step 3: Go back to review that same situation from step one and identify one reason to be grateful for that OPPORTUNITY. Now, imagine yourself being very PRESENT in that moment while becoming aware of your breathing and feeling all of those strong emotions from step two and any others you desire. You are now better prepared to become aware in the moment and make the CHOICE to feel gratitude, compassion, love, or any other positive emotion you desire in that situation. As you get better and this pregame becomes automatic, you will simply remember some or all of the words in BOLD print (in your own chosen order) as you do the pregame and as you encounter situations various throughout the day. This results in increased self-awareness and an effective strategy to practice breaking a pattern and mastering that small window between stimulus and response, where our small choices add up to determine our destiny, J. Finlen, 7-31-22. [/su_section]HiddenRelational Select All Practice working with other people to discover solutions are better than what either of us could do alone Practice listening to other people to understand them well enough to put myself in their shoes Practice asking good questions to discover more about the other person Practice avoiding an argument with another Practice admitting when I am wrong Practice smiling and engaging people in a friendly manner with a pleasing personality Practice remembering first names and using them when addressing people Practice treating others as they are capable of becoming Practice talking less and listening more Practice helping others see how their good idea is the reason for the solution we are arriving at Practice being in control of my emotions, regardless of the negativity of others Understand holding grudges and not forgiving hurts me more than it hurts them Practice avoiding criticizing, complaining and comparing Practice showing other people that I appreciate them Practice seeking to understand and appeal to a person’s noble motives Practice communicating my ideas in a more interesting, vivid manner Understand that people will often rise to meet challenges to excel and prove their worth Practice showing people their mistakes indirectly, avoiding humiliation Practice responsibility for something that went wrong, to build trust with others Practice making suggestions instead of giving orders when possible Practice finding reasons to offer praise and encouragement to others Practice speaking positively about others when they are not present Practice showing people how a small improvement can make the biggest difference Practice framing my desire in terms of the other person’s desire HiddenSpiritual Select All I believe in learning from my mistakes quickly and then leaving them behind quickly, which allows me to enthusiastically focus on the present and the opportunity that exists in the moment. I believe in reading my deeply important goals, purpose and “why” I am committed to achieving them on a regular basis maintains the strong emotional energy I need to produce amazing results. I believe that I am 100% responsible for everything in my life. I am in control of my thoughts, words, and actions. By using my control of those things to my advantage, I can ensure my destiny is a positive one. I believe that the real reward for realizing my potential in life is not trophies, money or fame but the internal reward that will allow me to age with grace, integrity and the peace of mind of knowing I made the effort to do the best of which I was capable in life. I believe there are things I can put in motion today which will make my ability to accomplish future goals more effectively in the future. I believe that what you reap what you sow and that great rewards received years from now will be due to the things I did today. I believe in taking time to review what type of legacy I want to leave and doing my best to live true to that purpose, regardless of peer pressure or others who try to distract me. I believe in being completely present in the moment and exercising the self-control needed to capitalize on opportunities that come my way throughout the day. I believe in always asking myself the question “why”, which helps me to understand whether something is worth taking the next step. I believe that my best opportunities to learn and grow are often found by interacting with people of diverse backgrounds, cultures and taking time to understand their experiences. I believe that the willingness to stand against the crowd for what I believe in takes courage and helps me to build character and resolve to achieve greatness. I believe in questioning myself ruthlessly so that I can ensure I am striving to live with the highest level of integrity and act with humility in everything that I do. I believe in a commitment to maintaining flexibility in my beliefs and values so that when I gain new information or gain a new understanding, those beliefs might continually improve. I believe God has a plan for my life and the closer that I can align my personal value system with Universal principles, the more I will be able to take the right action. I believe that getting in the habit of smiling and showing my positive inward attitude has a great impact on all my encounters with others and leads to new quality relationships. HiddenMental Select All I believe that when I am facing an obstacle or something that might seem challenging, there is an opportunity for growth there if I really look for it. I believe that when it seems that I have failed at something, there is an opportunity to start fresh and with a new understanding that will help me map out my direction more clearly. I believe that two people of the same ability could be given a challenge that was difficult to overcome. The one with more belief in his or her ability to keep moving forward will always emerge more successful. I believe in embracing change and seeing new challenges as an opportunity to improve a personal quality, skill or strengthen my self-discipline. I believe that just saying “no” to requests that require my time is needed so that I can create more time to invest in the things that are really important to me, which can help me to better help others over the long run. I believe that some of the best things in life are on the other side of my greatest fears. Getting out of my comfort zone is needed to explore my potential and a major key to making big breakthroughs. I believe that in order for me to mentally, emotionally, spiritually or socially be at my very best, I must take care of my body, eat the right foods, and exercise on a routine basis. I believe that in order for me to be at my very best, I must get a quality sleep every night in order to effectively execute upon the opportunities that will come my way the next day. I believe that too much caffeine in a given day will result in a crash where I feel run down and not at my very best. It may also impact my ability to get quality sleep and potentially impact the days ahead. I believe in the old saying, you are what you eat, and that it also applies to what I feed my mind. I am committed to blocking out the negative news cycle and focusing on the things within my control that matter. I believe that the more I can force myself to do the things that I don’t feel like doing, but know I should do, the more I build the muscle of self-discipline. I believe in taking some time to reflect upon the recent feedback I have received and consider how it might provide value to my future planning and effectiveness. I believe that every day there is one very important task or project that I could solely focus on, which will allow me to progress in all things with greater speed and effectiveness. I believe that I have one responsibility where I can go above and beyond what is expected of me today, which will help me to create momentum moving forward. I believe that when my emotions are tested by someone or something, I can control how I feel and have a choice to look at that moment as an opportunity or an inconvenience. HiddenLeadership: Select All I believe that if we can appeal to other people’s noble motives we can successfully convince them to follow our ideas. People believe they do things for noble and morally upright reasons. I believe that stating the truth isn’t enough but it must be made interesting, dramatic and vivid. Television has been dramatizing truths and untruths for almost a century. I believe that people often derive motivation from challenges that are made into a game. People will go above and beyond to prove that they are able to compete with others. I believe that the best way to get people to achieve great things is to praise and appreciate them most of the time. Redirects are needed but the fuel for their success will come from the affirmation. I believe that taking the time to subtly show someone their mistake will lead to more trust and appreciation where they will be most likely to improve in the future. I believe that making suggestions, rather than giving orders can help to boost other’s confidence and allow them to learn quickly from their mistakes. I believe that breaking down desired outcomes into smaller steps and easy improvements will dramatically increase the success of my employees and outcomes. I believe that becoming an effective leader and successfully influencing others requires me to understand their desires and help them to see how they achieve their desire through their work with me. 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