Take it to the next level:
Take it to the next level?
Create an image in your mind that you can connect with each persons’ potential. This helps to teach your brain to recognize what resources it will need to help you succeed in reaching your goals, and helping this person reach their potential.
Pro example: The Dream Room Exercise: Your “dream room” is your ideal environment in heaven (think of it more like a world) where all of those whose lives you influenced gather to celebrate together. My dream room is a beautiful golf course, on a beautiful day, where I smell food cooking the grill, hear lots of laughing and feel deeply grateful for each of the people who are enjoying this beautiful day with me.
Now, imagine your dream room in heaven, with doors to many other dream rooms, each door belonging to a person in your circle of influence. When you visit someone’s own dream room, they are happily gathered there with all of those whose lives they positively influenced. Each of those people visiting are very excited to see you, even if they never met you, because they now know that you were partly responsible for helping them become all they were capable of, through your influence on your mutual friend.